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Garden Suburb Infant School

GSIS Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Report 22-23

The Children and Families Bill 2014 requires Local Authorities (LA) to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for children and young people with special educational needs(SEN) aged 0-25. Barnet Local Offer


All maintained schools are required to have an SEN Information Report describing their approach to meeting the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disability to ensure, regardless of the specific needs, these pupils make the best possible progress in school.


 What Are SPecial Educational needs? (SEN)

  • Children who have significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age

  • And children who have a disability that hinders or prevents them from making use of educational facilities, once reasonable adaptations have been made

  • All our pupils have differentiated, high quality teaching, including those with disability and medical conditions. It is important to stress that children with SEN are those who require provision which is additional to or different from what is provided for all.

We have had children with a wide range of SEND within our school. These include:

1. Communication and Interaction

– Specific language impairment

– Expressive or receptive language delay

– Autism

2. Cognition and Learning

– Specific learning difficulties Spld

– Dyslexia

– Dyspraxia

– Dyscalculia

– Sensory processing difficulties

– Global learning delay

3. Social, Mental and Emotional Health

– Emotional needs

– Selective mutism

– ADD – attention deficit disorder

– ADHD – attention deficit hyperactive disorder

4. Sensory and/or physical

– Physical needs

– Visual impairment

– Auditory impairment

– Down’s syndrome

– Cerebral Palsy

 What are not special educational needs?

Disability: schools are required to make “reasonable adjustments” as part of being inclusive. So disability alone does not constitute SEN

Attendance and punctuality can impact on progress but alone does not constitute SEN

Health and Welfare – medical conditions and welfare concerns can impact on progress but alone do not constitute SEN

EAL (English as an Additional Language) can impact on progress but alone does not constitute SEN

Being in receipt of Pupil Premium Grant (which affect children from certain nationalities, and certain economic groupings thought to be at risk of underachieving) can impact on progress but alone does not constitute SEN

Being a Looked After Child can impact on progress but alone does not constitute SEN

 how do we identify and assess SEN?

  • From information from parents
  • From information from previous settings
  • From observations of lessons
  • From scrutiny of the child's work
  • From Inclusion meetings with class teachers
  • From Inclusion meetings with the Senior Leadership Team

Our first response to pupils making less than expected progress is high quality teaching targeted at their areas of weakness.

Class teachers will talk with you to get a fuller picture of your child and gain further information about your child by observing particularly in the following areas:

1. Communication and Interaction

– Is your child able to understand instructions and remember what has been said?

– Is their spoken language the same level as their peers? (vocabulary and grammar) in their own language

– Do they misinterpret what people mean or not recognise facial expressions?

2. Cognition and Learning

– Do they struggle with all areas of learning?

– Is it only reading and writing that is a problem for them?

– What are their gross motor skills like? Can they balance on one leg, throw and catch?

– What are their fine motor skills like? Can they thread beads and pick up tiny objects?

3. Social, Mental and Emotional Health

– Are they off task a great deal of the time?

– Do they seem different recently? Have they become more withdrawn?

– Are they making friends? Is their play a concern?

4. Sensory and/or physical

– Are their any concerns about sight and/or hearing?

Using observations, assessments and experience, class teachers adapt their planning and teaching to suit each child. (This is called “differentiation”).

At termly class review days your child’s progress is checked. If your child does not make adequate progress over time, despite good teaching and differentiation the Senior Leadership Team will decide the next step.

The SENDCo might carry out further observations and do further assessments herself. She might propose making a referral to another professional for advice.

Along the way we will share our concerns, listen to your concerns, discuss any differences of perception, and offer ideas of how you can help your child at home. If the decision is made to place your child on the SEN Record this will not come as a surprise.

 Which outside agencies might we involve?

The SENDCo can refer to the following outside agencies for higher levels of need:

• Speech and Language Therapist (SALT)

• Educational Psychologist

• Advisory Teacher for hearing

• Advisory Teacher for Vision

• Advisory Teacher for ICT for SEN

• Advisory teacher for Autism

• Inclusion Advisory Team

• Primary Project – emotional support

• Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)

• Physiotherapist

• Occupational Therapist (OT)

• School nurse

• SENDIASS (SEND Information, Advice and Support Service for parents)

Planning for pupils with SEND in the class room

We carefully organise the class so it is possible to work with children with SEN individually or in a small group (as with all the children in the class)

• Ensuring that the teacher has the highest possible expectations for your child

• Ensuring that all teaching is based on building what your child already knows, can do and understand

• Putting in place different ways of teaching so that your child is fully involved in learning in class. This may involve using more practical learning etc

• Putting in place specific strategies (which maybe suggested by the SENCo or outside staff) to support your child to learn

• Breaking the task down into smaller steps

• Using additional adults to support their learning

• Grouping – having mixed ability groups to support their learning

Lessons are well structured with a clear introduction and a plenary. Lessons are presented in ways that allow children with different learning styles and different needs to be able to understand.

•Language is simplified when necessary

•Visual resources are used – pictures, photographs, ICT

•Children touch real objects, move around, and are encouraged to talk

•A variety of auditory stimuli are used – stories, poems with refrains, sound effects

 how do we adapt the learning environment to support pupils with SEND?

We ensure the equipment is appropriate

• Eg Scissors, left/right handed, with adult support, spring return

• Larger objects for a child with less fine motor control

• Use of IT

• Visual aids are used to encourage independence and understanding such as Class visual timetables/ individual visual timetables

• Steps of a task made visual

• Timers sometimes used for clarity

• Colourful semantics are used to make language more explicit

• Literacy resources

• phonics mats,

• key words,

• Scaffolding to make the task more understandable

• Appropriate reading resources

• Resources to support children with sensory issues

• Wobble cushions

• Weighted objects

 How do we involve pupils with SEND in their own learning?

By having very clear expectations and providing descriptive praise when he/she begins to move towards those expectations the child learns what they are required to do.

We create a "Pupil Passport" about the child that allows all significant adults (parents, the SENDCO the adults in the class team and other teachers who are regularly in class) to share in contributing to how the child’s targets are being met, and give feedback to the child who in turn becomes clearer about their own targets

The child with SEND attends the SEND support plan meeting once parent/carers have met and agreed the targets. It can be very effective for a child to have both teachers and parents giving a very explicit message.

We try to ensure that children know why a teacher is pleased with what they have done, or indeed why they have received a sticker or a certificate.

Children are encouraged to be able to express their views about whether they have enjoyed doing some work and how well they think they have done it. Pupils' comments about some of their learning is recorded in their books.

 Reviewing progress of Pupils with Special educational needs AND DISABILITY

Your child’s progress is continually being monitored by his/her teacher, the SENDCo, and the SLT.

• His/her progress is reviewed formally every term at class review days.

• Occasionally standardised tests are used which give a score which can be interpreted in terms of what would be expected for a child of that age.

• SEND support plans are reviewed termly

• The progress of children with EHCPs (Education Health Care Plans) is formally reviewed at an Annual Review with all adults involved in your child’s education.

• In addition we

– Monitor and assess work in year groups and across the school

– Analyse data at least termly

– Monitor and review targeted interventions

– Consider feedback from pupils

 evaluating the effectiveness of our provision

• The progress of SEND pupils is monitored and tracked termly.

• All pupils with SEND have SEND Support Plans. These are reviewed termly with class teachers and the SENDCo and new targets are discussed and agreed with parents/carers. We follow the “assess, plan, do, review” model. Where there are concerns that pupils with SEND are not making progress with the support/interventions provided, advice is sought from the appropriate professional.

• The Inclusion Managers and Headteacher meet termly with Governors at Pupil Wellbeing and Inclusion Committee to discuss SEND, inclusion provision in the school and review all policies relating to SEND. A termly report outlining the number of pupils receiving additional support for SEND and the interventions taking place is submitted.

• The Inclusion Managers, with the Senior Leadership Team, monitor the effectiveness of interventions. Training and support is provided for and Teaching Assistants. Feedback is also given on the use of additional adults during lesson observations.

 Staff responsibilities


Have high aspirations for every pupil – set clear progress targets for them and are clear how the full range of resources are going to help reach them

Focus on the outcomes for the child – are clear about the outcome wanted from any SEND support

Are responsible for meeting SEND – use the SENDCo strategically to support the quality of teaching, evaluate the quality of support and contribute to school improvement

Involve parents and pupils in planning and reviewing progress – seek your views and provide regular updates on progress

• The Class Teacher is responsible for working with any child with SEND at times individually, at times within a small group

• The Class Teacher plans & supervises individual support within the classroom by TA

• The Class Teacher plans & supervises small group support within the classroom by TA (general curriculum support or specific programmes)

• The Class Teacher plans & supervises any groups withdrawn from the class (this is only done for specific reasons – such as quiet language work, or extra gross motor skills or social skills development)

• The Class Teacher plans & supervises any specialist programmes to be implemented in school

• The Class Teacher considers when to deploy a TA for support during carpet time


SENDC0 – Mrs Elia

Mrs Elia is available to discuss any concerns once you have spoken to your child’s class teacher. She:

•Oversees day-to-day operation of school’s SEND policy

•Coordinates provision for children with SEND and Looked After Children

•Advises on differentiation

•Liaises with parents of children with SEND

•Has links with outside agencies

•Liaises with nurseries and schools to facilitate smooth transitions

•Ensures SEND records are up to date

•Advises on use of delegated budget/other resources

•As joint Inclusion Manager and member of the Senior Leadership Team, works with the Headteacher and Governors on Inclusion.



• TAs are part of the whole school approach to SEND working in partnership with the Class teachers and SENDCo to deliver pupil progress and narrow gaps in performance

• Class teachers deploy teaching assistants to give support focused on the achievement of specific outcomes.

• TAs work within the context of high quality teaching overall.

• TAs are part of a package of support for individual children but they are never a substitute for the Class teachers involvement with the child.



are responsible for:

•Checking on the progress of your child and working with the class teacher in identifying, planning and delivering any additional help your child may need

•Ensuring that TA's are deployed effectively

•Ensuring that the school’s SEND policy is is followed.



are responsible for:

•Overseeing the progress of all children with SEN, Disability, English as an Additional language, those from ethnic minority groups, and those who are vulnerable with long or short term issues (including Child Protection).

•Ensuring the School’s Inclusion Policy is implemented.

 responsibilities of the Head Teacher  and Governing body



•Overall responsibility for implementing the SEND reforms

•Ensures that the SENDCo is able to influence strategic decisions about SEND

•Ensures the wider school community understands the implications of the reforms for whole school improvement (from governors to classroom teachers and teaching assistants)

•Puts in place arrangements to ensure parents are regularly engaged in discussions about the progress of children with SEND (at least three times a year)

•Ensures a process is in place for involving parents in reviewing our SEN arrangements

•Has overall responsibility for Inclusion: which includes children with SEN, Disability, Medical conditions, English as an Additional language, those from ethnic minority groups, those in receipt of the Pupil Premium Grant, those who have poor attendance, those who did not start at the beginning of Reception, and those who are vulnerable with long or short term issues (including Child Protection).




  • A Pupil Wellbeing and Inclusion Committee that meets termly with the Headteacher and Inclusion Manager/SENDCo to ensure that the school delivers quality SEND provision and fulfils its responsibilities regarding SEND. The committee has responsibility for:

•Implementing the SEND Code of Practice including providing strategic support to the headteacher.

•Ensuring information on the School’s website about the governing body’s policy for pupils with SEND is published

•Ensuring that there is a qualified teacher designated as SENDCo

•Cooperating generally with the local authority when the school is being named in an Education Health Care Plan

•Ensuring that arrangements are in place to support pupils at school with medical conditions

•Ensuring information about: the arrangements for the admission of disabled children, the steps taken to prevent disabled children being treated less favourably than others and the facilities provided to assist access of disabled children as well accessibility plans are published.

 Training Staff to support pupils with SEND

It is the SENDCo and Deputy Headteacher’s job to support the teachers in coordinating provision for children with SEN.

• The school has a training plan for all staff to improve the teaching and learning of children including those with SEND.

• This includes whole school training on SEND issues such as: Speaking and listening, ASD (Autism Spectrum Condition), Dyslexia,

• Individual teachers and support staff attend training courses run by outside agencies that are relevant to the needs of specific children in their class eg Downs Syndrome, supporting a child with leukaemia, ADHD etc

• Weekly teacher meetings, teaching assistant meetings and Mealtime supervisor meetings allow expertise to be disseminated.

pastorial support

We recognise that pupils with SEND may well have emotional and social development or indeed mental health needs, that require support in school. The Emotional Health and Well being of all our pupils is very important to us.

• We have a robust Safeguarding Policy in place, we follow National guidelines

• We have a robust Behaviour Policy in place that covers bullying

• The Head teacher , Deputy Head teacher and all staff continually monitor the emotional health and well being of all our pupils.

• We have a committee on the governing body entitled The Pupil Wellbeing and Inclusion Committee which also oversees this.

Pastoral support is provided by all school staff to all children. If a child continues to struggle with any aspect of school life, parent/carers are invited into school for a meeting to discuss the best way to support their child. This could be through:

  • A home school book
  • Regular meetings with the parent/carer
  • Small group work
  • An identified key member 0f staff
  • A friendship club during two lunchtimes
  • Individual support from SENDCo
  • Communication with PPA /supply staff/all staff of child’s needs and provision
  • Suggesting to parents the Calmer Easier Happier Parenting workshops
  • A referral to Primary Project

Alternative arrangements have been made for children who cannot manage playtime or lunchtime unsupported.

When a child exhibits challenging behaviour, strategies are put in place to help the child manage their behaviour. Parent/carers are invited in to discuss their child’s behaviour and a behaviour management plan may be put in place. External advice can also be sought from the High Incidence Support Team (HIST).

 Transitions for children with SEND: Starting school

Starting school:

•The SENDCo will be in touch with your child’s nursery, or previous school, where a child’s SEND needs are already known and have been brought to her attention.

•The SENDCo will visit the nursery or school where possible.

•The SENDCo and class teacher, or class teacher and teaching assistant will do a home visit together to meet you and your child in their own environment.

•Reports from professionals such as Speech therapists, Educational Psychologists and Advisory Teachers are passed on from the previous setting.

•We will arrange opportunities for children with autism or certain emotional issues or other SEND to visit their future classroom after the school day when there are no children present, to help them feel secure about starting school.

Particular care is taken with transitions for LAC (Looked After Children) and adopted children.

 Transitions for children with senD: changing schools / class

Transferring to Garden Suburb Junior School:

• All children transferring from Y2 to Y3 make a transition booklet and have visits and buddies with children in the current Y3

• Pupils with emotional difficulties have additional visits to the Junior school

• For pupils with EHCPs, class teachers and support staff meet to share information

• The Head Teachers from both schools meet to discuss the children

• In the summer term before the children start Y3, the Junior School Inclusion Manager attends meetings with the parents/carers and the Infant Inclusion Manager/SENDCo.

• The Junior School Headteacher and Inclusion Manager attend Y2 Annual Review meetings for children with EHCPs.

Particular care is taken with transitions for LAC (Looked After Children) and adopted children.


Transferring to another school

• A meeting/discussion with the new school takes place

• Additional visits to the new school (with a member of staff if necessary and possible) takes place

• School records are passed onto the new school


Moving classes within school

• Transitions from Reception to Year 1 and Year 1 to Year 2 are sensitively managed.

• Teaching staff are carefully matched to meet the needs of the classes

• Staff are given time to discuss SEND pupils to ensure continuity of approach

• Transition booklets are made for individual children with photographs of all important adults that will be working with them to help them adapt to their future class. They have these to prepare them over the summer holidays.

Particular care is taken with transitions for LAC (Looked After Children) and adopted children.

 Keeping parents/carers involved - documentation regarding progress

All children receive annual reports

SEND Support Plans

– If the child is identified as having SEND, a SEND support plan is formed. This is reviewed at termly meetings, with the parent, classteacher and/or SENDCo (and child present for a part when the parent explains the new targets.)

Education Health Care Plans (These have replaced Statements of SEN)

– Some children arrive at school with EHCPs (Education Health Care Plans) in place.

– The SENDCo and Class Teacher draft a SEND support plan, which is reviewed at termly meetings with the parent, classteacher and/or SENDCo (and child present for a part when the parent explains the new targets)

– Children with EHCPs also have an annual review with a report that is sent to parent/carers and the Local Authority.

Referrals to outside agencies

– All referrals are made with parent/carer’s consent

– Parent/carer’s are given copies of any referrals made

Request for statutory assessment

– If a child has life long, severe and complex needs that are not able to be met with the resources available in school a request for statutory assessment can be made by either the parent or school. The procedure for doing this can be found on the Barnet SEN local offer website.

 keeping parents informed - meetings

• We believe we can only help your child with their SEN or Disability if we work together effectively as a team.

• We encourage familiarity with the school curriculum through curriculum mornings, literacy and numeracy workshops, concerts, newsletters, and parenting workshops.

• At parent consultations twice a year progress is described and concerns shared and made explicit. Through parent consultations and other meetings that might occur we ensure there are no real surprises as to any concerns that school might have about your child.

• Children with identified SEND have termly SEND support plan review meetings with the parent class teacher and/or SENDCo (and child present for a part when the parent explains the new targets.)

• Children with EHCPs (Education Health Care Plans) also have termly meetings as above and in addition there is an annual review with a report that is sent to the Local Authority.

• For children with EHCPs (and selected other children where it is considered it would be helpful) home/school liaison books, or some other form of contact allows daily communication between home and school.

• Class Teacher, SENDCo and all school staff are available to meet parents/carers by appointment.

• Staff are in the playground at the end of the school day for less formal meetings.

 keeping parents informed - storing & managing information

• Each child’s primary school record is retained at the school for the length of time that the pupil remains at the school. The record is transferred on to the child’s next school when they leave and remain in the UK. This record may contain:

• Admission forms

• Annual Written Report to Parents

• Any information relating to a major incident involving the child (either an accident or other incident)

• Referrals to any agencies or support service together with related reports or correspondence

• Any reports written about the child

• Any information about a Statement of Special Educational Needs/EHCP and support offered in relation to the statement/EHCP (or reference made to an accompanying SEN File)

• Any information about EAL intervention

• Any relevant medical information

• Child protection reports/disclosures (should be stored in the file in an envelope clearly marked as such or reference made to an accompanying file)

• Any information relating to fixed-term or permanent exclusions

• Any correspondence with parents or outside agencies relating to major incidents or concerns

• Special Educational Needs Files, including reviews and SEN Plans, are passed onto the child' next school. For children who leave the country these are retained at the school for the DOB of the child +25 years.

 allocation of resources for SEN -  equipment & Facilities

The school budget, received from Barnet Local Authority, includes money for supporting children with SEND.

• The Headteacher decides on the budget for Special Educational Needs in consultation with School Governors, on the basis of needs in the school.

• The Headteacher and the Inclusion managers/SENDCo discuss all the information they have about SEND in the school with the SLT including:

– The children getting extra support already

– The children needing extra support

– The children who have been identified as not making as much progress as would be expected

– And decide what resources/training and support is needed.

• All resources/training and support are reviewed regularly and changes made as needed

 allocation of resources for SEN  - external agencies

Directly funded by the school:

• Additional Educational Psychology Input if required

• High Incidence Support Team (HIST)

Paid for centrally by Local Authority but delivered in school:

• Advisory Teacher for Autism

• Advisory Teachers for Hearing, Vision, ICT for SEN

• Educational Psychology Service for stautory work

• SENDIASS (SEND Information, Advice and Support Service for parents)

Provided and paid for by the Health Service but delivered in school:

• Speech and Language therapy

• Occupational therapy

• Physiotherapy

• Paediatric consultations

• Health visitors

• Primary Project

how does school check that its systems and policies are up to date & working?

• The current SEND policy is covered in the school’s SEND policy document, which is available on line. This is reviewed annually.

• The SENDCo reports termly to the Governing Body on how well Special Education Needs, are being met, as they evolve from term to term and year to year in the school.

• Data are provided for the various levels and types of need and sent to the local authority. Children with EHCPs are known to the local authority by name. Data regarding children with SEND who do not have EHCPs remain anonymous. This data informs local strategic planning. The data are collected by way of a “School Census” and are also relayed to central government for the national SEND information report.

• The SENCo meets with a group of parents with children who have SEND to gain their views on the working of our current SEND arrangements. This informs how we prepare for reviews to our SEND policy.

 children with a disability - how accessible are we?

• The building is accessible: ramps are situated at all main entrances.

• The school is one level with easy access and double doors

• There is a disabled toilet and shower area.

• We ensure, wherever possible, that equipment used is accessible to all children regardless of their needs.

• ICT equipment and practical resources are available to support children’s learning

• For specialist equipment, the SENDCo liaises closely with the appropriate external agency and the child’s family to ensure the correct equipment/resource is provided for their child

 how do we enable children with a disability/medical condition or senD to engage in all school activities?

Extra curricular activities are accessible for children with a disability or medical condition or SEN

– School clubs are open to all children

– Clubs take place before school, during lunch time and after school

– Clubs are provided by school staff (free of charge) and external providers (a fee is charged). Depending on circumstances the pupil premium grant may be helped to fund attendance

School trips

Specific risk assessments are undertaken to identify what additional arrangements need to be made to ensure (as far as practicably possible) pupils with SEN or a disability or a medical condition can participate. This could be:

– Alternative transport arrangements to the venue eg parent/carer drive

– 1:1 support for of the duration of the trip

– Informing the venue of any adjustments required by the pupil to enable them to participate and have an enjoyable experience

– Pre-trip preparation for the child – visual timetable for the day, photos of the venue, explanation of activities

– A member of staff responsible for addressing any medical needs

School day

– Specific arrangement can be made for support at breakfast and afterschool clubs and during playtime and lunchtime.

 how do we support children with medical conditions?

• The Inclusion Managers are responsible for ensuring The Local Authority guidelines on ‘Local Codes of Practice: First Aid Arrangements in School’ are followed, with reference to the DfE: Supporting Children with Medical Conditions – Statutory Guidance 2014.

• Records are kept of medication given and if any controlled medication is held on the school premises.

• All staff are trained annually to administer Epipens and relevant staff are trained for specific medication when the need arises eg epilepsy or diabetes

• Teachers planning takes into consideration the child’s needs such as fatigue, absence and poor concentration.

• Pastoral support helps the child with social and emotional issues that can frequently arise.

 dealing with complaints

• If a parent/carer has a concern about their child, their first point of contact is the child’s class teacher.

• If their worry has not been resolved they should then speak to the SENDCo.

• If their worry is still not resolved they should then speak to the Headteacher.

• If a parent/carer has a complaint they must follow the school’s Complaints Procedure Policy which is available on the school website.

 useful documents / Links

• SEND policy

• Safeguarding Policy

• Behaviour Policy

• Inclusion Policy

• Children's Welfare in School Policy (including supporting children with medical conditions)

• Complaints Policy


Barnet local offer

SENDIASS (Barnet SEND Information, Advice and Support Service for parents)