Work Inspired by the Art of Sir Frank Bowling
In Year Two we have been looking at the art of Sir Frank Bowling. We learnt about how he has created some of his paintings. We were very inspired by how he develops his ideas, and how he adds paint and different materials to his artwork.
- We created our own artwork.
- First we drew our own special memories in our sketch books.
- Next, we experimented with painting in different ways: we created washes with paint, we dropped, dribbled and splattered paint and we rolled paint around paper.
- Some of us chose to work collaboratively on a large piece of paper and some of us chose to work independently on smaller pieces of paper.
- When the paint was dry, we explored drawing shapes and arcs with chalk pastels onto the painted surface.
- We cut pieces of our drawings of special memories to glue onto our paintings.
- We found materials from around school to collage onto our paintings.
- Finally, we painted a colour wash over our drawings and the collage materials.
- These paintings took a long time to create because we revisited them each week and added different layers.