PSHE - Personal, Social and Health Education
At Garden Suburb Infant School, we believe that a strong PSHE education is fundamental to helping our children develop into well-rounded members of society, who can make a positive contribution to their community. We believe that the children’s learning in this curriculum area is a fundamental and core aspect of their education. We want our children to learn about their rights and responsibilities, and achieve their personal best in all aspects of school life.
language development
learning behaviours
physical activity
cultural capital
We have special health activities, such as “Walk to School”, “Bling your Bike” and “Scoot to School”, to promote road safety and active travel.
KS1 assemblies reinforce aspects of the PSHE curriculum, and they promote the school code and British Values.
A strong arts curriculum supports children to express and communicate their own feelings and ideas.
Through our humanities curriculum, during Black History Month and across the year, the children learn about role models and positive behaviour, and how significant people have helped others.
In Relationships Education, we ensure that the needs of all pupils are appropriately met, and that all pupils understand the importance of equality and respect, teaching the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationshipscreative curriculum design and progression
Planning in PSHE is carefully designed to be creative, coherent and accessible This enables children to make clear links with, and build on, prior learning experiences, and to accumulate sufficient knowledge for future learning.
In Reception, we foster children’s personal, emotional and social development as set out in Development Matters.
In Key Stage One our PSHE curriculum is strongly tied to our Science, Relationships and Computing/Online Safety policies, based on the requirements of the National Curriculum.
The curriculum is taught through the core themes of Health and Wellbeing, Relationships and Living in the Wider World. It is taught explicitly as a subject and informs our whole school ethos. This aims to give children the knowledge, skills and understanding to lead healthy, confident and independent lives. The children are prepared for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
We promote wellbeing, as well as the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils. These values are not taught in isolation from the whole curriculum but are embedded in our day to day teaching and high expectations of children’s behaviour towards one another.
We have a school code, “Be Kind, Be Fair, Be Honest, Be Safe”, which addresses the British values and supports children’s learning across all aspects of school life. It fosters children’s belief in themselves, develops respect for and tolerance of others, and reinforces their sense of place in the school community and the wider world.
If you were to walk into a PSHE lesson at Garden Suburb Infant School, you would see:
- All children engaged and enthusiastic about their learning.
- Children who can work independently, and are also consistently co-operative and kind; they take turns, discuss their learning and share their ideas and opinions.
- Children using subject specific vocabulary, appropriate to their age and stage of development, to talk about themselves, what is important to them and to share their ideas with others.
- Teachers demonstrating secure subject knowledge, teaching lessons which are explicitly adapted to be both ambitious and to meet the needs of pupils with Special Educational Needs.
- Teachers and support staff presenting information clearly, and encouraging appropriate discussion to learn key concepts.
- Teachers and support staff helping children to develop good learning behaviours.
- A powerful learning environment, where children’s contributions are respected, and children themselves respect the opinions of others.
Please see the documents below for more information:
- The Health Education Partnership (HEP) guidance "A PSHE and Well-being Framework for Primary Schools", which is used as a foundation for our planning.
- Our PSHE and RSE Curriculum Map
- Our PSHE Progression Document