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Garden Suburb Infant School

Attendance & Punctuality

In Garden Suburb Infant School we take children’s attendance and punctuality very seriously.

School opens at 8.45am, with an official start time of 8.55am. Children are collected from designated areas in the front playground at 3.25pm (for Years One and Two) and 3.20pm for Reception Year once they are full-time.

Educational research shows that children who attend school regularly and arrive on time are much more likely to achieve well academically both in primary and secondary school. They will benefit from all that school has to offer and develop important habits which will support them in their future working lives.

The attendance and punctuality of all pupils is very closely monitored by the Education Welfare Officer from the London Borough of Barnet. Attendance statistics form part of your child’s annual school report which stays with them throughout their school career.

The school is also held accountable for pupil’s attendance and punctuality and our actions in relation to attendance and punctuality are also monitored.

Please read our school ATTENDANCE & PUNCTUALITY POLICY for full details of procedures for parents and staff around children's absence - including information about the school day, absence during term-time (including religious observance and medical appointments), the process and criteria for authorising absences and when a fine may be issued.

Please email with any queries, and notifications of lateness / absence (further details are in the policy)

For details of this year's term dates and when the school is closed for the holidays, please see our TERM DATES page.