Uniform and Dress Code
Children are encouraged to wear school uniform as it gives them a sense of belonging to the school community. Our uniform colours are yellow and navy blue.
It is not compulsory to wear items with the school logo, although we do encourage this. Items with the logo are only available from our supplier Uniform4Kids who are based on the Finchley Road in Temple Fortune or online at www.uniform4kids.com. Purchasing uniform via Uniform4Kids helps to raise funds for the school as the supplier donates a percentage of each sale to the school.
Uniform4Kids has many years experience in helping parents and schools with uniform and provide a personal experience to all. Please see the attached details below on how to purchase uniform from Uniform4Kids along with the price list.
Items without the logo can be purchased at any retailer.
The day to day uniform consists of the following items (those marked with an asterisk have the school logo):
Top Yellow short sleeved polo shirt*
Jumper Navy blue sweatshirt*
Navy blue cardigan*
Navy blue full zip sweatshirt*
Navy blue jumper
Trousers Navy blue joggers (which can also be worn on PE days)
Navy blue shorts
Navy blue trousers
Dress/Skirt Blue/Yellow check print dress
Navy blue skirt
Navy blue pinafore dress
Please note jeans are not allowed, and all sweatshirts/cardigans/jumpers should be navy blue. No coloured hoodies/sweatshirts should be worn indoors.
Footwear should be sensible and comfortable (black or brown) – the children must be able to put them on without adult assistance (laces only if they can tie their own). Open toed sandals can be worn in the summer, but only if worn with socks. Knee high fashion boots are not acceptable for daily wear. Big boots (e.g. knee high, moon or wellies) should not be worn all day – please send in a change of shoes.
The PE Kit consists of:
Yellow short sleeved t-shirt*
Navy Blue shorts (if the weather is warm)
Navy Blue joggers
Trainers (preferably black)
The PE Kit (available from Uniform4Kids) should be worn to school on the days that your child has PE. Parents are informed of their child's PE days in September/when they start with us.
Spare Clothes:
Children will need a spare set of clothes to bring into school which should be in a drawstring school bag available from Uniform4Kids (in case they get wet or have a toilet accident during the school day)
Outdoor Wear:
As the children spend a lot of time outside, a suitable coat for outdoor play must be provided - please ensure it is warm and ideally waterproof with a hood.
There are also sun hats with the school logo available on the website for the summer. Although you are not required to purchase a sun hat with a logo, we strongly advise that all children have summer hats for when the sun is hot as there is not as much shade in the playground.
Book Bag
In order to take books home, your child requires a suitable bag. The uniform company supply designated “Book Bags” that are clearly marked with the school name and have a label for your child’s name that fit nicely into their drawers. They are sturdy and can be carried across the shoulder/body and have reflective strips on them.
Second Hand Uniform
The PTA also hold regular second hand uniform sales throughout the year, which recycles old uniform (in good condition!) and gives the opportunity to purchase uniform at a much reduced price.
If you have difficulties with the cost of purchasing your child’s uniform, please come to the school office for confidential advice.
Personalised labels are available from our uniform supplier and many other companies to ensure all items are labelled correctly.
Our PTA have arranged a special offer with the online supplier STIKINS who give a donation to the School PTA for every order made. They provide:
Stick-on name labels for clothes
No sewing or ironing needed
One pack of sticky name labels for clothes, shoes, & lunchboxes
To make an order just go to https://www.stikins.co.uk click on "Order Now" .
To ensure we get a donation from every order, please double check that our school's fundraising number is entered in the School Fundraising Number box at the bottom of the order page (if it isn't then just type in our school's code 7728 and our name will come up under the box).
Children should not wear jewellery for health and safety reasons, particularly in the playground and during PE. If your child has pierced ears, small stud earrings are suitable. Bangles, bracelets, rings and necklaces are not appropriate and should not be worn
Long hair should be securely tied back in order to avoid accidents on apparatus and reduce the transmission of head lice. Hair bands should be simple and not ornately decorated.
All items of school clothing, including PE Kit and bags should be clearly marked with the child’s name so lost items can be returned to their owner. Items which are not labelled are put in the lost property and unclaimed items will be disposed of at the end of each half term.